Nepal is a Himalayan country, wedged between the giants of India and Tibet, an autonomous region of China. Its geography dominated by the Himalayas - eight of the fourteen highest mountains in the world, including Everest, can be found within its borders. On every side, a skyline of fluted snow and ice peaks soar beyond the imagination rise above the trails, the campsites and valleys. It is a land of great diversity- a home of incredible variety of ecosystems, the greatest mountain ranges, dense tropical jungles teeming with a wealth of wildlife, thundering rivers, forested hills and frozen valleys. The country is a potpourri of ethnic groups, customs and traditions. From the humid and tropical southern Terai lowlands to the frozen alpine regions of the Himalayas in the north, we find different colorful cultures & people co-existing in harmony for centuries.
The country also offers an astonishing diversity of sightseeing attractions and adventure opportunities found nowhere else on earth! A visitor can join in the numerous annual festivals that are celebrated throughout the year in traditional style highlighting enduring customs and beliefs.
Nepal is a land where the arts, culture are as well-preserved as the valleys and forests, temples enriched with wood carving and bronzes, millennium- old statues standing a long the way side, songs and dances unchanged for centuries and entire cities preserved in their medieval splendor.
In addition to enjoying numerous activities of choice in Nepal, it is also a significant transit point for traveling to Tibet (China) Bhutan, Darjeeling and Sikkim (India).